You could look at a power flush as a way of deep cleaning your central heating system.
It is quite a straight forward treatment where a mixture of high-pressure water and chemical cleaning elements are flushed around your pipework and radiators to clear away sediment and debris build up that if left too long can clog up your system. Dirt and debris in your central heating pipework and radiators can settle to block pipes and prevent hot water from circulating.
This leads to cold spots on radiators, or even whole radiators not working at all resulting in cold, unheated rooms in your home.
Do I need a power flush?
Whether you need a power flush or not will depend on the level of rust and dirt build-up in your system. If your central heating system is quite a few years old and you have never had a power flush done in the past, then you can pretty much guarantee that you will need to have one done. The only way to know for sure before committing to having your system flushed is to have a water sample taken from your system and tested. Based on the results of your water test, our heating engineer will advise you about having your system flushed.
How do power flushing systems work?
Having a power flush is not only about clearing away the existing debris that has already built up in your system. Clearing away the dirt and debris certainly will help to bring your central heating system back to full health and efficiency, but the chemicals used in the flush will help to slow down future breakdowns of sludge and rust within the pipework and radiators.
What happens over time is that rust and sludge will develop inside your system and can settle to form sludge flakes. These flakes are far more rigid and will block up narrow pipe openings, pumps, radiator valves and can settle at the bottom of radiators causing issues with cold spots. It is not just pipework and radiators that can be affected by sludge build up. Boiler heat exchangers can also become clogged up too. This will put extra strain on your boiler and prevent it from working properly.
It is far cheaper to have your heating system regularly flushed than to have a complete boiler replacement every few years!
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